
Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hori anice hisatori vin ne zadiri royaleanic.

If you want to blace body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hari anice historu vin.

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Zina muga paimoda pin si, visu heri cigi ika co. lli voro inada jakine ri, tebin rucin zin ta, ceba senga mandi on kon.

Experience All The Possibilities When You Have a Fortus 380 CARBON FIBER Edition 3D Printer

When the job demands exclusive production of accurate, high-strength parts for tough applications, rely on the Fortus 380mc Carbon Fiber Edition. It's a targeted solution for functional prototypes, production parts and rugged tooling that need the strength and stiffness of carbon-filled composite material.

The Fortus 380mc Carbon Fiber Edition prints with FDM Nylon 12 Carbon Fiber and ASA.

assembly-fixtures-360x240.jpg        inspection-fixtures-360x240.jpg       end-of-arm-360x240.jpg                           

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hori hisatori vin ne zadiri

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

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If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

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Image left header two text goes in this area

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

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Fortus 380mc Carbon Fiber Edition


Lujat ja suorituskykyiset osat

Kun käyttökohde vaatii tarkkoja ja lujia osia vaativiin sovelluksiin, voit luottaa Stratasys® Fortus 380mc™ Carbon Fiber Edition 3D-tulostimeen. Vahvojen ja jäykkien ASA-materiaalien ja hiilikuidulla lujitetun FDM® Nylon 12CF™-materiaalin avulla saadaan täydellinen ratkaisu mm. seuraaviin sovelluksiin:

  • Functional Prototypes

    Toiminnalliset prototyypit

  • End-Use Parts


  • Rugged Tooling

    Vahvat työkalut

Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hori hisatori vin ne zadiri royaleaninc

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

  • Two column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Two column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.