Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hori anice histori bin.

If you want to blace body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hari anice historu vin. Zina muga paimoda pin si, visu heri cigi ika co. lli voro inada jakine ri, tebin rucin zin ta, ceba senga mandi on kon.

Ni muro lire zin, iro te jenmo utimen foline, ura umma kidon akadi on. Tu xen unaua igoyo paimoda, vi suzo ruba lire ume. Hu dun zali lasin, tu uga gona randa.

Learn more


Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hori anice hisatori vin ne zadiri royaleanic.

If you want to blace body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hari anice historu vin.

Zina muga paimoda pin si, visu heri cigi ika co. lli voro inada jakine ri, tebin rucin zin ta, ceba senga mandi on kon.

Zina muga paimoda pin si, visu heri cigi ika co. lli voro inada jakine ri, tebin rucin zin ta, ceba senga mandi on kon.

Experience All The Possibilities When You Have a Fortus 380 CARBON FIBER Edition 3D Printer

When the job demands exclusive production of accurate, high-strength parts for tough applications, rely on the Fortus 380mc Carbon Fiber Edition. It's a targeted solution for functional prototypes, production parts and rugged tooling that need the strength and stiffness of carbon-filled composite material.

The Fortus 380mc Carbon Fiber Edition prints with FDM Nylon 12 Carbon Fiber and ASA.

assembly-fixtures-360x240.jpg        inspection-fixtures-360x240.jpg       end-of-arm-360x240.jpg                           

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hori hisatori vin ne zadiri

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

Image left header two text goes in this area

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

Learn more

Image left header two text goes in this area

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

Learn more

EMEA Fortus450mc_3 machines_2.png



Enjoy better, faster Results with an Upgrade to the Fortus 450mcTM

Save Now: Purchase a new Fortus 450mcTM at a monthly fee starting from 2.990€ over 3 years at 0% finance. This will enable you to start saving costs from day 1 while spreading the payment of the printer. Typical saving on jigs & fixtures and tooling range between 40 and 90%.

Save Later: The Fortus 450mc printer has a higher throughput, which means you'll realize your ROI quicker.

Gain Speed, Size and Material Options with less Invest

More Than Twice the Speed - Means a higher throughput without compromising accuracy. Print parts two times faster than the Fortus 250mcTM and significantly faster than both the Fortus 360mcTM and Fortus 400mcTM .

More Material Options - Means a wider range of applications - carbon fiber compatible, with high-performance and engineering-grade thermoplastics available (ABS, ASA, PC, FDM® Nylon 12CFTM, ULTEMTM 9085 resin and more) .

Larger Build Size - Print full assemblies in a single print.

Less Investment - Means that parts can be created for less costs, lighter and faster vs. traditional manufacturing.

All 3 icons.jpg

More information on Stratasys Fortus 450mcTM .


High Performance Material & Different Applications

  • Nylon 12CF icon.png

    Nylon 12CFTM

    • Highest flexural strength and stiffness-to-weight ratio
    • Metal part replacement with Nylon 12CF
    • End-of-arm-Tooling (EOAT)
    • Automation
    • Forming tool
    • Assembly fixtures
    • Gauges
  • ULTEM 9085 icon.png

    ULTEMTM 9085 resin

    • Flame-retardant
    • high-performance thermoplastic
    • Flame, smoke and toxicity (FST) characteristics.
    • Greasing jigs
    • EOAT
    • Automotive light weight parts
    • Certified parts - Aerospace
    • Certified parts - Railway (EN 45545-2)
    • Certified parts - Bus (ECE R118)
  • ULTEM 1010 icon.png

    ULTEMTM 1010 resin

    • Withstand autoclave operations
    • High-Strength and heat resistant
    • Composite Tooling
    • Space & Defense
    • Antero 800NA icon.png

      Antero 800NA

      • Lighter alternative to aluminum
      • Lighter alternative to steel
      • Chemical resistance
      • Minimal outgassing
      • Suitability for aerospace applications
      • Boeing qualified thermoplastic filament for flight parts
      • Space & Defense
    • Antero 840CN03 icon.png

      Antero 840CN03

      • Functional prototypes for high-demand applications
      • ESD-safe jigs and fixtures
      • Low-volume, end-use parts for high requirements
      • Space & Defense
    • ABS-ESD7 icon.png


      • For ESD-safe applications
      • Low-volume parts for industrial equipment and electronics
      • Jigs and fixtures for electronic component assembly
      • Functional prototypes for electronic testing

Overview of Materials on Fortus 450mcTM

Overview Material on Fortus 450mc.png

See how others are already benefiting and how they are using Additive Manufacturing

And if you have asked yourself

Did you know that also your next fixture could cost 70% less and can come on line next day?
Learn how to create jigs and fixtures printed additively at Stratasys Academy.

Big savings at our factory line, if only I knew how to get this done?
See what Stratasys Design services can do for you and open a project.

  • Two column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Two column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more

Ready to get started?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.